Wind farm operators are currently facing two major challenges: On the one hand, in terms of efficient land use, the continued operation of wind turbines on existing, infrastructurally well-developed and, above all, accepted sites has first priority. On the other, the remuneration paid under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) will expire on 31.12.2020.
This means that at the end of 2020, all systems installed up to and including 31.12.2000 will lose their entitlement to the remuneration under the EEG. This is an ideal time to put relevant systems to the test to determine their economic efficiency and check their technical approval.
energy consult competently and reliably prepares continued operation reports 20+ for your wind turbines based on the guidelines of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE). In the practical part of the check, the rotor, machine, foundation and tower are inspected. The analytical part includes detailed model calculations and also a turbulence report. This data forms the basis for an overall assessment of continued operation. This gives you planning security and a good overview. In addition, we will make your wind turbines safer in this way. Learn more here.
20+: For us, they are far from being “old iron”
With more than a dozen continued operation reports per year, energy consult Prüfgesellschaft is your reliable partner for assessing the continued operation of your wind farm after around 20 years of use. As a member of the BWE’s Expert Consulting Committee, we are familiar with the range of inspections and tests for wind turbines and know which high standards must be met.
In addition to continued operation reports, we also carry out inspections before expiry of the warranty, periodic inspections and technical checks of any kind. We recommend carrying out the continued operation report 20+ in combination with a gear endoscopy in the 18th year of operation. This gives you enough time to create the basic conditions and decisions for the continued operation, sale or repowering of your wind farm.
For all questions regarding requirements and test cycles, our experienced team is at your side with competence, expertise and reliability. Learn more about continued operations 20+ or get in touch with us directly. We look forward to hearing from you!