Wind turbines have to withstand large and constantly changing loads. In the case of failures or accidents, it can be expensive for the operator. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the utmost care and professional supervision during the construction and operation of the wind turbines. We offer you our knowledge and support you as a manufacturer or operator of wind turbines with technical, independent tests before commissioning, during the operating phase and after the end of the design lifetime.
The inspection and monitoring of the turbines must be carried out regularly. The applicable regulations for the inspection of wind turbines distinguish between turbine safety and structural stability as well as occupational health and safety:
- The inspections and other requirements to ensure the safe operation of the wind turbine as a structure result from the approval under the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), with reference to the type approval and the guideline of the German Institute for Construction Technology (DIBt). The responsibility has the operator as the owner of the approved wind turbine.
- The other prescribed and recommended inspections and technical expert reports relate to the occupational health and safety concept. Accordingly, they refer either to:
– installations as work equipment,
– installations subject to monitoring
– or requirements for wind turbine work sites (BetrSichV, DIN VDE 0105-100, DGUV V3 etc.).
Learn more about our services and inspections at: